Dear ACCESS patron,
Do you agree children learn by example? If so, what kind of example is being set by our leaders today? As politicians in Washington are focused on playing a financial shell-game, ACCESS has chosen to focus on equipping young minds to deal with those financial challenges for tomorrow. After years of development, designing the very best way to engage our youth in learning financial responsibility, ACCESS launched its first annual “Mastering Money Basics.” It was a resounding success. Children from all over Nebraska participated. We heard astonishing things from everyone involved: the teachers, the children, the parents and the principals. It was electrifying. I was overjoyed to see this level of participation for only our very first year. The feedback confirmed; our message was focused and engaging. Isn't that exhilarating? It certainly was for my staff.
As I visited the schools, giving out the awards, I could feel the excitement for what they had accomplished. Even the parents participated. There was a sense of pride at every school, the entire classroom was present as awards were given and stories shared. The lessons learned by these children will be remembered and used throughout their lives.
The positive reaction showed an educational area largely being ignored in primary education. The need for this knowledge, the need for this understanding, the need for this exposure was obvious and it is motivating us to expand the program.
Can you imagine how much more we could do with your help? How many more children can we reach with your help? How many children are you willing to help learn these essential life skills?
Why is your gift important? You may find it surprising but most schools provide NO education to children about how to manage their money! Young people are coming out of school with no understanding of interest rates, no concept of how to create a budget, and no working knowledge of how to even balance a checking account.
Without knowledge and understanding these young people are thrown into a world of credit cards, loans, debt and bills. How do you pay for your needs when you don't have the money? How do you understand what you are agreeing to when you sign those loan papers? I know you would agree; even for seasoned veterans, the financial world is sometimes scary and confusing but it doesn't have to be.
“Mastering Money Basics” is specifically designed to help students think about how to earn, save, manage and responsibly spend their money. Your gift today will allow us to bring this ground breaking program to more classrooms, grades and schools, giving these young minds much needed know-how to face the financial challenges of today's world.
Won't you help us reach out to more children? “Much education today is monumentally ineffective. All too often we are giving young people cut flowers when we should be teaching them to grow their own plants” - John W. Gardner. American Consumer Credit Education Support Services (ACCESS), is a non-profit, tax exempt 501(c)(3) consumer advocacy group whose primary purpose is credit education and assistance to the general public. Our Mastering Money Basics program focuses on educating our youth about money, credit and financial responsibility. Our goal is to encourage them to think about money, credit and how to best handle those responsibilities in a fun and enduring way.
We can't do this without your help. Your gift is completely tax deductible. Giving today is easy. To donate, visit our donation page at
Your gift will make an impact. Currently, our limited finances only allow us to provide this program to elementary students in Nebraska. Our long-term goal is to expand this program to students throughout the USA, initially reaching students in Iowa, Kansas and South Dakota and then build out from there.
As monies allow, we have designed similar programs that we will launch for middle and high school students. Our program is designed to introduce the meaning of key words in elementary school; to showing them how the world works in middle school; to eventually showing them how to apply this knowledge to their life situations in high school.
Designed to focus on several critical areas of learning, “Mastering Money Basics” utilizes: math, reasoning, visualization, creative writing, analytical skills, team work, writing and grammar. These skills are critical for higher learning; both in school and throughout life's journey. This isn't just an exercise to memorize something and parrot a response. This program is designed to help the students understand and apply what they learn. As our world becomes more complicated, the underlying need to understand basic concepts and how to apply them becomes increasingly paramount.
I'm sure you would agree, children are never too young to learn about managing money. This program is designed to do just that while creating a long lasting learning experience. Your gift today can help us quickly bring this much needed program to thousands of additional children across the United States.
Our second annual Mastering Money Basics is now underway for Nebraska students in elementary school. Last year's subject was “Where does Money Come From?” The students showed a wonderful understanding of the purpose and goal of this activity. By encouraging students to utilize their higher reasoning skills in a fun and rewarding manner, this project created a stimulating environment to research, evaluate, supposition, postulate, and illustrate their answers to that simple question. As I visited with the participants, I could hear their questions, their excitement and their interest in the next year's program. The obvious need for this program was overwhelming, both from the young students, their teachers and their parents.
I wish you could have been there.
What better opportunity “to train up a child in the way he should go, so when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6. Picture the difference your gift could make in their minds and in their futures?
As parents, grandparents and adults we want the best for our children . In fact, doesn't every parent want their children to master money basics? Today's economic uncertainty commands us to help them, providing them with knowledge today and thereby arming them for the challenges of tomorrow. The youth of our country will determine our future. By educating them on the value of money and how to manage it properly, maybe, we can influence tomorrow's leaders; teaching them to be personally accountable and more responsible with money.
Can we count on your help? It's easy and quick and will mean so much to so many.
I remember a particularly moving story written by a second grader. Her story started with a problem; her younger sister's birthday. She wanted to do something special. Her story wove through the problem of what she wanted to give her and how that simple loving task could be accomplished. It was so moving, as she talked with her mom, developed a plan, executed the job, and accomplished her goal. Every step had a challenge, every challenge had a solution, every solution brought her closer to her goal - a gift for her baby sister. At the presentation, she had invited her entire family and friends. As she read her story to those gathered you could see the pride in those who came. While visiting later with her family I could tell that they too were more focused and committed to teaching all their children about sound financial management. It was such an honor to share in her excitement and achievement.
Mastering Money Basics is a ground breaking program. Educating children about personal finances; providing lessons that they can use, leading to happier and fuller lives. Your gift today will help many children for years to come. Won't you help the children? Here is your opportunity to help make meaningful progress in educating our youth to be better stewards of their monies. Children are never too young to learn about managing money.
Warren Buffet stated it best when he said “The chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken.” This program is fun and exciting for the children. It forms those habits that can make a huge difference in their future.
What did the teacher's have to say about this program? “What a wonderful opportunity for students to think critically about money.” “The kids had a wonderful time collaborating on this topic and learning about money.” It was obvious, these elementary students spent a significant amount of time pondering the very basic question of "Where does money come from?"
Understanding the value of money, how to manage it and how to earn it gives our youth a head start on critical life decisions. Your contribution, no matter the size can really help grow this much needed program. Please help the children by sending your donation today.
Thank you for caring, your tax deductible gift is greatly appreciated.
Your gift helps to ensure the next generation of students have the skills needed to manage money responsibly as they grow into young adults. It allows us to provide much needed educational material and resources to students, teachers and parents. Please visit
ACCESS receives no government grants or subsidies, we rely completely on the generosity of people like you. “Good habits formed at youth make all the difference.” - Aristotle.
I recently read an article that stated there are only four states that require a semester long course in personal finance to graduate from High School. Twenty-six countries have or are developing a formal national strategy for financial literacy. All of them see reaching kids in grades K-12 as critical to the prevention of another financial crisis. Simply, more financial education is needed for our youth. Your support today will help us educate our youth in developing successful life long financial habits. Visit to make your tax deductible donation today.